Trailers | 19-2 Ride Along Series

With a weekend to go before 19-2’s third season premiere on Bravo (June 20, 10:00 PM ET/7:00 PM PT), the channel’s YouTube account promotes the 2016 Canadian Screen Award winner for Best Dramatic Series with some vignettes. The Ride Along Series features Nick Barron (Adrian Holmes) and Ben Chartier (Jared Keeso) making small talk while patrolling Montreal. The Ride Along Series is low-key, which is likely the point – as a police procedural largely focused on the minutiae of beat cops, the Ride Along Series keeps in line with 19-2’s tone.

19-2’s third season premiere “Burn Pile” isn’t as heavily promoted as second season premiere “School”. That doesn’t mean Bell Media thinks less of the show, as 19-2 already has a fourth season greenlit through Bravo. With that cushion in place, 19-2 has room to expand its plots across two seasons.

It’s hard to say whether 19-2 will be more ambitious with a fourth season greenlit before the third season premiere. Given that English-language 19-2 will run for more episodes than the original French-language version, there’s room for the show to further diverge from its antecedent. If nothing else, 19-2 wouldn’t be quite the same without the Ben/Nick relationship, as the vignettes demonstrate. While 19-2 is more of an ensemble show than the Ride Along Series indicates, Ben and Nick are promoted as the show’s central figures, so they earn pride of place in the online supplements.

C. Archer
Le Social