News: Alliance Home Entertainment TV-on-DVD Releases, April-June 2011

Yeah, I know.  My neglect of URBMN means these Alliance Home Entertainment titles, if not already out, are coming very soon.  Hey, a few of you are actually purchasing these titles through my links, so I must be doing something right…that or Americans are cross-border shopping.

The titles for April to June 2011, plus a selection for August:

Adventure Inc. | Complete Series (April 12, 2011)
Cook Like a Chef | Season 1 (May 17, 2011)
Degrassi: The Next Generation | Season 10, Part 1 (May 24, 2011)
First Wave | Season 1 (May 17, 2011)
The Hitchhiker | “The Complete Collection” (August 9, 2011)
Mysterious Island | Complete Series (June 14, 2011)
Starhunter | “Complete Series” (April 19, 2011)
TekWar | “Complete Series” (May 24, 2011)
The Ray Bradbury Theater | “The Complete Collection” (May 17, 2011)
Trailer Park Boys | “The Complete Collection” (June 14, 2011)

Starhunter was retooled as Starhunter 2300 for its second season.  Both seasons have been released on DVD in America, and both are “complete series.”  It’s stupid nomenclature.  I honestly thought Alliance had bled its 2000s industrial tank dry, but this, Adventure Inc. and First Wave have proven me wrong.

I’m skeptical about The Hitchhiker‘s “Complete Collection” listing, as that’s 85 episodes spanning two cable channels.  I hope Alliance will release the unedited, non-syndicated version of the show.  Given Alliance’s track record, it’s hard to say which version of The Hitchhiker will take the viewers places they don’t want to visit alone.

As for Cook Like a Chef…honestly, a cooking show season set?  That is the last thing I’d expect to see from Alliance.  Why is the company getting to this before CODCO?  Do cooking shows sell that well?

Finally, TekWar is a holdover from last year.  I really hope Alliance has the rights nailed down firmly this time.  As of this writing, the page still has the August 31, 2010 release date, so I’m not holding my breath.  It’s not like TekWar is a great-selling title, anyway.  I wonder why Alliance bothers with it.

C. Archer
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