All I have to say is, wow. Drop Dead Gorgeous is worse than I expected it would be. I’m not offended by its cheap stereotypes and unfunny humour, per se. I’m just confused by it. I can’t pinpoint DDG‘s intentions, other than “is this edgy enough, Teletoon? Is this edgy enough? Lesbians, wheee!“
Where Drop Dead Gorgeous fails is in its insufferable awareness of how “cool” it is. The show is like Archer, in that it’s reliant on dialogue and animated deliberately stiff. Of course, Archer has funny dialogue and memorable characters. DDG sticks to “four assassins are horny/make small talk while killing people” for its 20-some-odd-minute running time.
Why is Drop Dead Gorgeous focused on these four women? Am I supposed to hate them for being shallow assholes? Am I supposed to find their shallowness funny? John Kricfalusi terms this sort of thing “‘tude,” and DDG is nothing but ‘tude. The plot takes a back seat to pure style.
Drop Dead Gorgeous doesn’t give me a reason to grow attached to the characters. Even if the girls are meant to be one-dimensional, they’re not interesting. Two of the girls – one black, the other white – are lesbians. The Asian girl says “VODKA VODKA VODKA!” all the time. So what? They may be of different races and/or religions, but they’re still talking about dicks and clothes. I can’t see how these traits can sustain the pilot, let alone a series.
I respect the people who worked on Drop Dead Gorgeous, but DDG is a bizarre mish-mash of Archer, The Boondocks-style faux-anime, Totally Spies!, nicked Amin Tobin songs, and lesbian scenes. I hope never to see this show again.
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