News: Alliance Home Entertainment TV-on-DVD Releases, August-September 2010

I’m not going to link to the previous Alliance Home Entertainment DVD news items anymore, just tags (here and here.)  Here are the three newest Alliance releases, as well as a couple of French-language titles that aren’t being mentioned:

C.A. Conseil d’administration: Season 4 (August 10, 2010)
Les Parent: Season 2 (September 7, 2010)
Mutant X: Season 1 (August 31, 2010)
Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal: Season 3 (September 14, 2010)
The Outer Limits (1995): Season 6 (September 7, 2010)

Today is the first day I’ve been given access to the Alliance media website, which is how I read about C.A. Conseil d’administration and Les Parent.  The French-language shows are important to Canadian television, even if they’re of limited interest to those outside Quebec and Northern Ontario.

I wish Alliance would ease off the syndicated 1990s/2000s fare, though I admit those shows sell.  The Outer Limits and Relic Hunter are the hot sellers, The Outer Limits moreso than Relic Hunter.

I don’t know why The Outer Limits is so popular.  Either Americans are buying the sets, or The Outer Limits is more popular in Canada due to its long run on Global.

Either way, I’m not complaining.  The Outer Limits is one of the few shows Alliance is releasing right now that I actually like.  I can’t believe the whole run of the series will be out before the end of 2010.  I can’t say I foresaw this back in January.

C. Archer
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