CTV has not officially renewed Flashpoint for a third season, but it’s obvious the show will be back. Its Canadian ratings are strong, so a third season is assured.
CBC won’t announce the bulk of its show renewals until May, although Bill Brioux has hinted at renewals for 18 to Life and Being Erica. Being Erica‘s second season was watched by an average of 582,000 Canadian viewers.
The Cultural Post first mentioned production on Flashpoint‘s third season, while TCP and Mike’s Bloggity Blog have hinted at a renewal order for Being Erica. The Cultural Post has Ontario Media Development Corporation’s ‘In Production’ page to back its claims up. Mike’s Bloggity Blog has…”a very reliable email.” Can you guess which site I actually respect? Go on. Guess.
As an aside, does CBC Television know how to cancel a show? Despite poor-to-fair ratings, I doubt CBC will touch its comedy festivals, 18 to Life or Little Mosque on the Prairie. When Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town can’t do better than The Rick Mercer Report‘s Friday rerun, something’s terribly wrong with the network.
EDIT (April 27, 2010) | Being Erica doesn’t start shooting its third season until May 17, while Flashpoint has been shooting since January 13, 2010. I apologize for not clarifying this detail.
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