XIII: The Conspiracy is based on the Franco-Belgian comic book series about an amnesiac searching for his past. The miniseries centres around a conspiracy theory tied to the assassination of the President of the United States, Sally Sheridan (Mimi Kuzyk.) XIII refers to a tattoo, the only thing identifying Dorff’s character.
XIII: The Conspiracy first aired on France’s Canal+ in October 2008. In Canada, XIII: The Conspiracy aired on Showcase and Mystery TV. I’m not even sure if Canwest aired XIII: The Conspiracy on Global. XIII: The Conspiracy was announced for Global, but that was in the days when E! existed and Canwest wasn’t yet a crumbling media entity.
Considering Jay Firestone’s Prodigy Pictures helped produce the series, this is CanCon, albeit of the co-pro variety. XIII: The Conspiracy isn’t bad, but it felt at the time like NBC’s belated attempt to cash in on the success of Fox’s 24.
A XIII: The Conspiracy regular series has been announced, although there’s not much information about the series beyond that. If anyone knows more about XIII: The Conspiracy, please comment on this blog entry. I won’t be convinced the series exists until XIII: The Conspiracy has a cable channel or network behind it.
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