TV News/Crowdfunding | TV, eh? relaunches on August 5, 2014

TV, eh?, the Canadian television website founded and maintained by Diane Wild, went on hiatus near the end of 2013. Today, it formally relaunched. I’m not part of TV, eh? this time (I hope that changes…eventually), but many people are – Wild, Greg David (formerly of the late, and lamented, TV Guide Canada), Anthony Marco, Eleni Armenakis, Kelly Lynne Ashton, Emily Gagne, and Samantha Sobolewski.

This go-round, Greg David is TV, eh?’s editor, while Diane Wild is its publisher. Anthony Marco was Wild’s foil for TV, eh?’s previous podcast, which ran 162 episodes; David, Wild, and Marco will figure in the new podcast.

TV, eh? currently runs an Indiegogo campaign, which can be clicked on below. So far, the campaign has reached over $17,000. The crowdfunding goal was initially $1500, yet the main goal is to be financially sustainable long-term. In the wake of TC Media’s sudden shutdown of TV Guide Canada, as Bell Media’s The Loop reboots itself as a Canadian version of BuzzFeed (LOL WIN WTF TRASHY), Canadian television needs at least one dedicated, independent commercial voice.

This is why TV, eh? is back – to figure out how to continue coverage of Canadian television online, and expand on what TV, eh? has already done. The Indiegogo campaign can be funded until August 24, 2014, at 11:59 PM PT/August 25, 2014, at 2:59 AM ET. The current stretch goal is $20,000. For the record, I’ve funded $25 so far.

Those who find TV, eh? useful are encouraged to support the site in its current incarnation. Greg David’s pitch video for TV, eh? is below.

C. Archer
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