News: Upload Yours to debut June 3, 2010 on The Comedy Network

Upload Yours, a collection of user-generated clips from The Comedy Network’s heavily promoted Youtube-baiter, will debut Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 10:30 PM.  The show will follow Tosh.0, which The Comedy Network tends to move around often.

Anyone watching The Comedy Network since 2009 will know (and hate) the Upload Yours commercial by heart – Jamie Watson asking viewers if they have a treasure box of comic gold, man in hardhat dancing and faking an injury, upbeat ska music.  By this point, Upload Yours has been flogged for more than a year.

I should be against Upload Yours on principle.  CTVglobemedia owns every clip sent to Upload Yours.  The terms and conditions are fairly onerous.  You’re giving material away to Upload Yours for the carrot of free publicity.  This is the exact thing Amid Amidi rails against on Cartoon Brew.

The Comedy Network’s previous web-projects-made-series are Good Morning World and Hotbox.  Whatever one can say about those programs, at least they’re proper programs.  Upload Yours is stitched-together clips, like The Comedy Network needs an excuse to be cheaper with its CanCon than it already is.

I’d be happy if The Comedy Network could greenlight a series like Summer Heights High, Ugly Americans or We Can Be Heroes – you know, rise to the calibre of the shows TCN is currently airing.  Instead, Canadians get a “best”-of-Internet clip show.  This country…

C. Archer
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