New Shows
Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town | Tuesday, January 12: 9:00 PM
18 to Life | Monday, January 4: 8:00 PM
Republic of Doyle | Wednesday, January 6: 9:00 PM
Best Recipes Ever | Monday, January 4: 3:00 PM (weekdays)
The Border will end its current season January 7 and 14 in the Thursday 9:00 PM timeslot. Doc Zone will move to The Border‘s Thursday timeslot starting January 21. Frankly, I like Doc Zone much better than The Border.
Marketplace will debut its 37th season Fridays at 8:30 PM, after a rerun of Tuesday’s Rick Mercer Report. The Nature of Things will move to Thursdays at 8:00 PM by January 7. Steven and Chris will return with new episodes, starting January 4 at 2:00 PM.
There will be a few specials. Test the Nation: IQ will air Sunday, January 24 at 8:00 PM. Gordon and Leah Pinsent’s Love Letters will air in the timeslot the following week. Keep Your Head Up Kid: The Don Cherry Story, a miniseries, will air March 28 and 29 at 8:00 PM.
CBC’s midseason prime time shows sound better than usual, in that I don’t automatically hate any of them. There’s no sure-to-fail idea like MVP: The Secret Lives of Hockey Wives or The One. There’s no surefire hit, but not everything on CBC can be Dragons’ Den or…ugh…Battle of the Blades.
I “love” the comments at’s site. Life with Derek is a “never heard of canadian drama”? Life with Derek was on Disney Channel for four seasons, and that’s in the Hannah Montana/Jonas/Wizards of Waverly Place hypermarketing-to-tweens era. What an obscure show.
Also, nothing’s good on CBC Television save hockey, Canadian content is shit, yammer yammer yammer.
The trailer for 18 to Life isn’t that bad. It’s certainly more engaging than Little Mosque on the Prairie. Peter Keleghan plays his patented WASPy Dumbass™ character, but 18 to Life doesn’t seem forced like Republic of Doyle. Watch some trailers and judge for yourself.
- Online Promotion | CBC Gem, Netflix January 2019 premieres - December 14, 2018
- Trailers | “The Macra Terror”, Doctor Who season sets - December 8, 2018
- Trailers | Letterkenny Season 6, Travelers Season 3 - December 5, 2018